藍︒掉 / Fade to Blue by city chen

發行日期 : 2016年
廠牌 : 大大樹音樂圖像

鍾⽟鳳與來⾃美國的David Chen,⽤琵琶與美國草根藍調為基礎,展開充滿實驗與開放的有趣計劃。
2016 年榮獲第七屆⾦音獎榮獲最佳風格類型專輯獎。

Release Date : 2016
Label : Trees Music & Art
Awards : 7th Golden Indie Music Awards
Winner for Best Non-Mainstream Genre Album

A cross-genre project that pairs the pipa with American roots music, “Fade to Blue” is an open-ended, ongoing experiment between Yufeng and Taiwanese-American musician David Chen.
Their eponymous album won “Best Non-Mainstream Genre Album” of 2016 at the Golden Indie Music Awards, Taiwan’s most prominent award for independent music.